Looking for a school internship report for B.ed in English? Here I have provided a school internship report for b.ed in English. Have a look.

Acknowledgment for internship report

This School Internship report is the result of an end of a long way of six months. It would not have been possible without the participation assistance of numerous brave and courageous people along the way. Thus I have to thank them all.

First and foremost I would like to give special gratitude to my parents who give me every opportunity to keep my step ahead.

I am indebted to my university teachers particularly xyz ( co-ordinator and pedagogy teacher, social science) for his constant support and advice, Dr. xyz( Pedagogy teacher, social science), Mrs. xyz Ma’am( pedagogy teacher, Assamese), Dr. abc ( supervisor of Action research) for their vision, encouragement and enduring contagious interest in the puzzle of teaching and learning.

I extended my gratitude to my classmates and especially to our group members with whom I shared my dark days and together we sort out academic and social problems.

Special thanks must be given to the teachers and students of XYZ High School for their feedback, love, and support with which I learned good teaching.

Last and most importantly I would like to all those who made this report possible and become a reality with their kind assistance.


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School Internship Report for B.ed in English-


The idea of School internship:-
In recent years all over India, there has been a drastic change in B.Ed. course. The switch over to one year course to two years B.Ed. course is quite an interesting and challenging task. Any teacher education course seeks to train teachers having requisite teaching skills.

The practicum approach adopted in the modern teacher education course is to place a student teacher in a classroom situation under the supervision of a qualified teacher.

School internship is an important part of the Teacher’s Training Program. It is an integral part of total B.Ed. course and 250 marks is allotted for the internship program. An internship program is a period of work experience for a limited period of time.

The internship programme aims to provide our students the opportunity to consolidate through practical experience. It provided a direct learning experience to student-teachers on various roles of a teacher including teaching the subject.

School Internship is designed to lead to the development of a broad repertoire of perspectives, professional capacities, teacher dispositions, sensibilities, and skills. Student teachers shall be equipped to cater to the diverse needs of learners in schools.

I am a second-year B.Ed. trainee of College of Teacher Education, XYZ. Our college sends the B.Ed 2nd-year students for internships in different schools every year. I had been sent to XYZ Govt. Higher Secondary School for the internship for four months. It commenced from 1st February and continued till May 31, 2019.

The objective of the School Internship

The objectives of school internship are as follows-

  • To inculcate in student-teacher different skills essential for teaching-learning process like- skill of blackboard writing, voice modulation, introducing a lesson, explaining a lesson, questioning etc.
  • To develop critical writing skills and reflective skills in student teacher
  • Develop an understanding of the content and pedagogical principles and various issues and problems related to teaching.
  • Develop proper professional attitude, professional ethic, values, and interest. Understand the role and responsibilities of a teacher.
  • Familiarize student teachers with important aspects of the existing educational scenario of the state/province concerned.
  • To make proper use of different teaching aids/materials.

Description of school:

The name of the school where I have completed my internship is ABC High School. It was established in the year 1984. The school is situated in XYZ district. The total area of the school is about four-acre. The total faculty of the school is 15 and there are two fourth grade members or chowkidars in the school. The school is in I shape which consists of 10 classrooms, one digital classroom, one common office room, one library and one office room for the headmaster.

The whole environment of the School is good in comparison to that of other Schools in the area. It is situated away from the national highway and local market of XYZ. The boundary wall and the main gate of the school are made of bamboo sticks. There is a small flower garden in front of the school which gives a fresh feeling in the School.

The surrounding of one part of the school is full of greenery. This part is surrounded by paddy fields and a tea garden. Thus the school gets an open and free environment where natural light and air can freely move.  But one part of the School is not getting the proper light and free air because there are many houses that very closed to the school.

The infrastructure of the school is quite good. The walls of the building are made of bricks and the roof is of tin. There are separate classrooms for each class. The medium of instruction of the school is Assamese.

There are good drinking water facilities. There are two watercoolers and a water filter. Besides, there is also separate water taps for other uses. There is a separate toilet for girls and boys as per the Right to education act 2009. The toilets are kept clean. Besides, there is a separate toilet for teachers.

There are proper electric facilities in the school. There are four ceiling fans and two bulbs in each classroom. There is also a digital classroom that helps to connect the student with the world of technology. As we know in today’s era of technology, children should prepare in such a way that they can tackle any problem easily.  The school tries to provide all the facilities to their student.

School activities:

I was appointed as a teacher trainee in XYZ Govt. Higher Secondary School from CTE, XYZ. In these four months of internship, I could accumulate a lot of experience. The observations made during this short span of time of four months can be summed up in the following points—

Morning Assembly and prayer

Morning Assembly is a very important ritual of a school.It is also the age culture of our country. Every new work Start with prayers to God. So it is happening in Schools too. The day of the school starts from morning assembly.

A well-organized morning assembly establishes a positive tone for teachers and students and encourages community involvement, without cutting into precious instructional time.

It is essential to understand that morning assembly is not just about standing in long queues and singing prayers or the national anthem, but it’s something beyond just prayers. All the activities carried out in the morning assembly by the school staff and students have a great influence in every point of life. The positive effects of attending school assemblies can be felt throughout life

Morning assembly is an integral part of the school’s schedule of XYZ Government Higher Secondary School.  The school bell rings at 9.00 a.m then all the students and teachers gather in the front of the school building for the morning assembly. Students arrange themselves into columns according to their classes from VI to X according to their heights.

The assembly starts with Morning Prayer “Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram” and National Anthem which is followed by the following activities –

i) Workout or Exercise for Students

After the prayer students are asked to do a set of exercise to refresh their body and mind.  Exercise is a must for every student. It makes student feel fresh and energetic

ii) Presentation

Presentation in the school assembly is an effective way for students to learn in a large group. In XYZ Government Higher Secondary School some students of a particular class are asked to give a presentation about general and informative topics where all students can get and enhance their information.

iii) Principal’s Speech

The principal of of XYZ Government Higher Secondary School Mr. ABC address his students and faculty members at the end of the school assembly where he gives valuable moral teachings for life.

This speech of principal is the thing that can change the perspective of students. Each and every word of this speech is the reflection of the experience and values of the school. This morning speech/address from the principal acts as a strong pillar in the moral development of students.

School Management and Development Committee (SMDC)

At the school level, a School Management and Developments Committee (SMDC) constituted, which is be responsible for making the perspective and annual work plans at the school level.

SMDC are constituted in all Government schools of the state as per norm of RTE Act, 2009. SMDC has to play a crucial role for awareness and participation especially parents in school development activities.

It has to work to create a conducive learning environment in the school, ensure active involvement of Civil Society Organization, putting in place an institutional mechanism for constant dialogue at the community level.

Positive trend of enrolment and retention at elementary level, involvement of community in school development activities, proper utilisation of grants, organising co-scholastic activities for children, initiating Social Audit etc. are few indicators that reflect the efforts made in this regard.

SMDC of XYZ Government Higher Secondary School

We have seen that XYZ Government Higher Secondary School has a School Management and Developments Committee, which performs the following duties and functions-

  • Monitoring the working of the school
  • Preparing and recommended the school development plan
  • Monitoring the utilization of the grants received from the government or any authority or any sources
  • Performing such other functions as may be prescribed

Members of SMDC of XYZ Government Higher Secondary School –

ABC9th Passed 
XYZM.A.,(GU)M.Phil,Ph.D.(NEHU),Post -Doc(TU) S

Time Table Preparation

School timetables are extremely important for a variety of reasons. It ensures that no teacher is scheduled for too many back-to-back classes or for two classes at some time.

Teachers are given the opportunity to modify lesson plans during the preparation period and collaborate with colleagues. The timetable allows students to know exactly when a specific subject in scheduled.

A well-constructed timetable establishes a natural rhythm and routine, which can be comforting to teachers and students.

A school timetable is certainly a useful tool. Its importance is due to the following reasons: —-

Curriculum Organization

A school timetable has defined period lengths. It also has specific subjects for each period. Hence, it allows administrators to distribute enough resources to most curriculum parts. The organization of a good timetable is such that important subjects are at the best times.

Student Organization

A timetable informs students about the time of class periods. Furthermore, it also lets them know the duration of each class period. Without a school timetable, the students will not be able to prepare properly.

Reducing Confusion

A good school timetable reduces confusion for teachers. A school timetable allows teachers to properly make their routines. Hence, teachers feel comfortable. Another benefit is that teachers can also remove mistakes.

Critical Routines

Above all, the most important reason is developing a routine. This routine is for all students and staff. Teachers must develop routines for students. Administrators must describe when and where students go for class. Also, administrators should tell which teacher will teach what class.

We find the following types of Timetable in XYZ Government Higher Secondary School—–

i) Consolidated Timetable

It’s an integrated timetable of all classes in a school. One can find a copy of it in the principal office and staff room.

ii) Class wise Timetable

This tells us which class is at which time. Furthermore, it also tells which teacher will teach what class.

iii) Teacher wise Timetable

This is useful for the teachers. It tells where a teacher will be going to teach and what subject. Each teacher must have a copy of the concerned timetable.

iv) Teachers Free Period Timetable

A copy of this is available at the principal office. The principal can use this to arrange for substitution when a teacher is absent.

The time-table which I observed in the XYZ Govt. Higher Secondary School is according to the psychological principles. I observed that each and every class commence by the difficult subjects such as English, Mathematics, General Science.

The school has total 7 periods. The morning assembly generally starts at 9.00 am as per direction of SEBA/Govt. The duration of 1st period is 45 minutes and the leisure time is 30 minutes

I noticed that time table is consists 5.30 hours from 9.00 am to 2.30 pm. The school bell rings at 2.30 pm and it announcing the time for dispersing from the school premises.

The time-table with teacher allotment for classes are written in one big board which are kept in the teacher’s common room and a same copy is being in the Principal’s table.

Grievance Redrassel System

The objective of the Grievance Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.

The students are the main stakeholders in any institution imparting education, and it’s our endeavour to make all efforts to ensure transparency in all the activities at different stages.  Taking this spirit in consideration the schools have the set mechanism for students for Redressal of their grievances.

It has the following objectives:

Upholding the dignity of the school by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the school through promoting cordial student-student relationships and Student-teacher relationships etc.

Encouraging the Students to express their grievances/problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.

Suggestion/complaint Box is installed in front of the Administrative Block and Academic Block in which the Students, who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the Academics / Administration in the school.

Advising Students of the school to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.

Advising All the Students to refrain from inciting Students against other Students, teachers, and school administration.

Advising all staff to be affectionate to the Students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.

Grievance Redressal System in XYZ Government Higher Secondary School

XYZ Government Higher Secondary School has its own Grievance Redressal System in an informal manner i.e through direct supervision of the Principal of the school.

Responsibility for Redressal:

The final responsibility for grievance Redressal rests with the Principal of the School.

The school expects that grievance Redressal be time-bound and result oriented. Every grievance is expected to be resolved within a reasonable period.

The Grievance Redressal system is indented to find solutions for problems like -any kind of physical or mental harassment, complaints regarding classroom teaching-class room management, completion of syllabus, teaching methods etc, when they arise.

Observation of Student Union Activities

It’s commonly understood that school is more than classrooms and textbooks. It’s a time for discovery – personally, socially and globally.

Within that context, a strong student union must be more than brick and mortar. It must be the heart of campus life. Its pulse must be the pulse of the campus.

Student unions are evolving to better meet the needs of today’s student and are a critical component to his or her success.

Benefits of the Student Union

i) Develop Leadership

Acquiring knowledge of leadership begins in the classroom, but it is the Student Union which provides a place for practicing the skills of leadership.

ii) Gain A Sense of Belonging

The Student Union is a natural gathering place for students. Here they can gain a greater sense of belonging and community. This sense of attachment to the campus occurs not just for residential students, but for commuters and part-time students as well.

iii) Attend Large Events

Students’ Union is responsible for representing students, both within the University and externally for all academic, non-academic and student welfare purposes.

iv) Share Learning and Work Together

Student Union accommodates many social, service and learning events specifically for students:  Many are academic events, such as the annual science and arts symposium at which students, performances, and get new knowledge.

Student Union in XYZ Government Higher Secondary School

It is seen that there is a student union in XYZ Government Higher Secondary School.

The members of the student union are as follows-

General Secretary 
Assistant G.S 
Megazine Secretary 
Social Service Secretary 
Cultural Secretary 

I observed that they performed their duty nicely and very carefully. Especially the general secretary KKK is very active. I appreciate his activities as a general secretary of XYZ Govt. Higher Secondary School.

Organising curricular Activities

Every activity in school life plays a significant role in development of students. Co-curricular activities are an essential part of school life and helps in enhancing learning process of students at school.

Definition of Co-curricular Activities

Co-curricular Activities are defined as the activities that enable to supplement and complement the curricular or main syllabi activities. These are a very important part and parcel of educational institutions to develop the students’ personality as well as to strengthen classroom learning.

Role and Importance of Co-Curricular Activities at School –

Proper Education – Since, co-curricular activities are merged with academics therefore, it ensures that students get to learn effectively. Science or Computer Lab practical, experiments and projects are part of co-curricular activities.

Cultural Values – Students get to learn by cultural events including national events and traditional events from different faiths including Gandhi Jayanti, Indepedence Day, Republic Day, as well as Diwali, Eid, Baisaki, Onam, Raksha Bandhan, and many other cultural events. Students get to learn about these events through books as well as co-curricular activities based on different cultures organised by Schools.

Personality Development – Students perform co-curricular activities in schools, which help them sharpen their communication skills, expression skills, public speaking, participation and sense of belongingness through different activities like debates, recitation. Art and craft, creative art competitions, classroom activities like reading, group discussions etc.

Role of a Teacher in Organising curricular Activities

  • The teacher must be a good planner so that the different activities could be carried out systematically throughout the year.
  • It should be the duty of the teacher to give more and more opportunities for the child while performing co-curricular activities.
  • The Teacher should act as an Innovator by introducing some innovative programs.
  • The teacher must be a good organizer so that the students experienced a maximum of it.
  • He should too act like director, recorder, evaluator,   manager, decision-maker, advisor, motivator, communicator, coordinator,  so that the student and child could gain a maximum of finer aspects of Co-curricular activities.

During our internship programe there were different co-curricular activities organized in the school. Every Saturday there were classes for co-curricular activities. There were academic development activities, literary activities, cultural development activities, moral development activities etc.

For academic development activities like preparation of charts, projects, quiz competitions were organized. For literary ability development activities like essay writing, poem writing, extempore speech etc were organized. For cultural development activities like painting, music, dancing, the celebration of festivals, etc were also organized.

Students seemed more interested in cultural activities. Co-curricular activities like the celebration of birthdays of great men of national and international repute, morning assemblies were organized to developed moral values among students.

We were asked to engage in different co-curricular activities. Thus we gave them different ideas and techniques to do their activities like during essay competition we gave them different tips and guided them how to write. \

Moreover, during the teacher’s day celebration we guided and supported the student in organized the programe. Besides, we organized Quiz, debates, storytelling, role play in the class itself which help the students in different ways-

  • Debates help in the development of critical thinking and confidence level of the students
  • Quiz was used as an assessment tool in the class but it also helped in the development of critical thinking and reasoning capacity of the student.
  • Group discussion was done in the classroom which helped in the development of social skill and interaction of the students.

Organization of Educational Field Trip and NCC

Educational Field Trip plays a vital role in the school curriculum, which serves a wide range of benefits in several ways including learning and teaching. One of them is that they help students to learn through authentic experience and can be an interesting way to explore new things for both the learners and teachers.

This is the reason why students should encourage to engage in field trips which are significant for students. In terms of educational, students have ample opportunity to witness new things, learn about new environments at their own pace and immerse themselves in an authentic experience, without having to the anxiety of homework, exams or tests.

An educational field trip to Kaziranga National Park was organized by XYZ Govt. Higher Secondary school for class X on 13th March 2020. A team of 55 members comprising of 50 students accompanied by 5 faculty mrmbers went on the educational trip.

All the students of class X were actively involved in organizing the entire field trip. It was organised at a moderate budget however not compromising on the quality and comfort of the students.

The National Cadet Corps (NCC)

Days are gone when the students used to stick to their school books and notes to achieve high scores with having no exposure to the real world outside the books.

Today, it has become very important for every student to get indulged in extracurricular activities which help him to experience the world they’re supposed to live in after completing their education.

Hence, it imparts practical knowledge of the outside world to the students through the means of various competitions, making a student confident, practical and self-sufficient. These activities not only work as a stress buster but also help the students expand their mental horizons. NCC is one such activity which school students can pursue to add to their learnings and aptitude.

The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its Headquarters at New Delhi, Delhi, India. National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organization, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens.

The National Cadet Corps in India is a voluntary organization that recruits cadets from high schools, colleges and universities all over India.

The XYZ Govt. Higher Secondary School has well equipped facilities of NCC. It has an Independent Unit of NCC Junior Wing and Senior Wing. It is open to all the students on voluntary basis.

9) Community Festival and events

A community may be defined as the group of people living in a same geographical area. The people may include different caste, creed, religion etc. A community in relation to school may refer to the society where the school is situated. Hence Saraswati Puja, Bihu etc. are some of the important community festival.

Celebrating events and festivals in schools have become an integral part of learning and building a strong cultural belief in a child. Children will remember an important day only if they are told what the occasion signifies. So a celebration makes them aware of the world in a more fun way.

Celebrating events and festivals in our school has become an integral part of learning and building a strong cultural belief. Such celebrations bring the students closer to each other’s traditions and cultural beliefs and develop respect and understanding for each other’s customs and traditions.

So apart from classroom learning, XYZ Government Higher Secondary School encourages students to celebrate each and every festival and event with great zeal and enthusiasm.

Some of the Important days celebrated in XYZ Government Higher Secondary School are Independence Day, Republic Day, and Gandhi Jayanti etc.

It was seen that Saraswati Puja has been celebrated in the XYZ School every year and community members, all participated and enjoyed Saraswati Puja. This year also on 10th February Saraswati Puja was organized in the School and the school was decorated by colourful paper and natural flowers by the students very cheerfully. I also helped the teachers in organising the puja. Prasad and khisri were distributed to everyone attaining the puja.

Bihu is another important community festival. Usually Bihu is not celebrated in the school because school remained closed during Bihu. But Bihu dance and song competition was organized in the school as a part of their co-curricular activities just after the Bihu Vacation was over.

Children are exposed to the essence of festivals in various ways like they tap their feet on peppy songs followed by cheerful rhymes and melodious songs. Each and every performance turns out to be innovative and unique in its own way.

At the end of the day the boundless joy of celebrating the event is visible on the faces of all. The Pre-primary wing of our school celebrates most of the events in the presence of their parents and honorable Principal which illuminates the celebration.

I realized that the community festival improves the social development of the students. I observed and enjoyed these programs along with my peer trainees.

10) Observation of peer teachers’ teaching

In short, peer teaching occurs when students, by design, teach other students. Peer teaching involves one or more students teaching other students in a particular subject area and builds on the belief that “to teach is to learn twice”

“Peer teaching can enhance learning by enabling learners to take responsibility for reviewing, organizing, and consolidating existing knowledge and material; understanding its basic structure; filling in the gaps; finding additional meanings; and reformulating knowledge into new conceptual frameworks

Peer teachers’ teaching observation is a form of peer review in which one instructor (the observer) observes a peer in their teaching and provides them with feedback on their areas of strengths and areas in which there is room for growth.

This process carries with it a number of benefits.

Objectives of peer observation-

  • Identifies areas of strength in teaching to improve confidence and reinforce skills.
  • Provides areas to focus on to make teaching even more successful, thereby improving relationship with students and contributing to their success.
  • Provides specific and unique peer feedback that can be used in a teaching portfolio.
  • Increases awareness of teaching & learning.
  • Increases a sense of connection and opportunity to dialogue with colleagues.

Peer teacher are those teachers in internship programme who were the Student-Teacher or Teacher Trainee. Naturally the activities of peer teacher influenced each other and encouraged to do better in the teaching-learning process.

Peer observation is one of the important elements of school internship. Peer observation was also done in micro teaching phrase wherein we were supposed to teach in a small group of people normally our peers, these peers also plays an important role as they play a role of observer. They observe the teaching and skills practiced by the student teacher in the micro teaching phrase and provide feedback for improvement.

During the internship phrase we were supervised on regular basis by our teacher, wherein they point out our positive and negative aspects regarding our teaching. They provide positive reinforcement for our positive aspects and provide feedback for poor performance in any of the skills. Beside this they also provide us remedial measures to improve our teaching learning process.

During by internship phrase I was observed by two of my peers namely- XYZ, she observed class when I was dealing with the topic transport system where I was using a model showing three types of transportation system.
ABC, she observed my class when I was dealing with the content Antarctica where I used model showing iglu, penguin, walrus, etc.

From the peer observation of my class and their valuable feedback, I was able to develop different skill in which I was lagging behind. Their feedback helps me a lot in developing my teaching. As I used to feel little uncomfortable and under confidence in the presence of the supervisors in the class, peer observation help me in the development of confidence, and to be in least pressure in the presence of the supervisors.

Total 08 teacher-trainee of B. Ed 2nd year were allotted to the XYZ Govt. Higher Secondary School for internship program.

As an intern I also observed one of my peers class i.e ABC’s class. As she was getting good feedback from different supervisors and was able to manage the class in an effective manner, so, I decided to observe her class and try understanding, the strategies she uses in teaching in an interesting and interactive manner.

From the observation of her class, I came to know that she teaches in such a way that, students get attracted to the class. She also leaves a scope of curiosity among the students and conducts different educational activities in the class, which makes her class interesting and easy going.

I found that her teaching strategies were so impressive. I learned more techniques from the observations.

I also discussed how to develop my teaching style and strategy so that I can provide a scope of curiosity and critical thinking to make the class interesting and interesting. From her guidance support and advice, I was able to develop my teaching strategies and skills resulting in the interactive and interesting teaching learning environment.

It is clear from the above discussion the peer observation plays a major role in the development of different skills in teaching. As it is difficult in the part of the teacher to supervise each and every intern regularly on daily basis, as there may be issues related to management of time because the teacher has to take classes as well back in the department.

Therefore peer observation plays a major role in development of different skills among the student interns and makes the internship phrase an effective one.

11) Role of Principal

A principal is someone who is the leader of an entire community within a school. He or she is responsible for managing the major administrative tasks and supervising all students and teachers.

The role of a principal is to provide strategic direction in the school system. Principals develop standardized curricula, assess teaching methods, monitor student achievement, encourage parent involvement, revise policies and procedures, administer the budget, hire and evaluate staff and oversee facilities. Other important duties entail developing safety protocols and emergency response procedures.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

With schools facing increased pressure to improve teaching and learning, the duties and responsibilities of principals expanded further to include the responsibility for leading school reform that would raise student achievement.

Success in leading reforms to increase student achievement often hinged upon a principal’s ability to create a shared vision within the school community and success in implementing new organizational structures that engage teachers in shared decision-making.

Principals have discovered that engaging the entire school staff in making decisions results in more commitment to school reform initiatives.

Principals are also responsible for facilitating their school’s interactions with parents and others in the school community. This responsibility includes working with parents when disciplinary issues arise, when students are not succeeding academically, and when parents have concerns.

The name of the Principal of the XYZ Govt. Higher Secondary School is Mr. XYZ. He is very active and popular person in the school community and among the students. He has signified role of conducting the school activities in a proper manner.

He is the effective administrator of the school who always observed the classes and duties of teachers. He always supervised the works of teachers.

He also maintains good relation with the trainee teachers. He also looked after the healthy habit and hygienic condition of the school.

My contribution to the school:

As we know teacher plays an important role in the lives of the student. I feel lucky that through this internship I get an opportunity to contribute something to the student and to the school. Through this internship, I had tried to develop the interest among the student towards their study.

I realized that students have the ability to do the things they just need guidance. Thus I told them the importance of education. And I am happy that I was able to succeed to bring their interest towards their study. Besides my great contribution was in changing the behaviour of the student.

In initial days there were some students who did not respect their teachers and other elder person and they did not have good manners towards their classmates. I told them that school is their second home and teachers their classmates are the members of that family. Thus respect their elders and love their juniors.

And gradually I noticed the changes in their behaviour. When I attend the morning assembly I noticed that students were not standing properly. Thus I asked them to make a straight line. From that day they always make a proper line to stand in the morning assembly.

I contribute my effort to developed co-operation among the students, developed interest in other co-curricular activities. To developed the interest to a not only textbooks but also other extra books we contribute many books to the library of the school. We also gave 5 Maps of Assam and India which helped them in learning geography.

Conclusion for internship report-

To conclude I can say it was the most gratifying experience in my life. Through this phase of the internship, I got an opportunity to contribute a little from my capacity to the school. The challenges helped me to find new route. I can able to bring transformation in me.

I know it is not the ending of my practice. It is just the beginning. There is a lot that I still have to learn and to go through. I thank our Supervisor and other teachers because they were in solidarity with me. They showed me how to get materials and gave me good energy all the time.

The internship programme was an effective one. I learned all the skill to be used in the class, along with the professional ethics, values and competence to be required.

It was a great experience for me as well as one of the best exposures I experienced. The knowledge, opportunity, experience and exposure which I receive during this internship is surely appreciating.