Are you looking for a critical analysis of social science textbook? In this article, we will provide a critical analysis of the social science textbook of class X.

General Information:

Subject:- Social Science

Class:- X

Name of book(s):- Political Science, Economics, Geography and History.

Name of Author(s)/Editor(s) :- SEBA & NCERT

Year of first and last edition:- 2015 – 2017

Price: – Free

Name and address of the publisher:- The Assam State Textbook Production and Publication Corporation Limited, Guwahati.

The language used in the book(s):- Assamese

Critical study of the syllabus:

The syllabus of the subject:

Unit No.ContentMarks allotted
Unit: 01A. India: Partition Bengal Swadeshi Movement, its aftermath6
Unit: 02Rise of Gandhi era and his role in the freedom movement7
Unit: 03B. Assam


Early Anti-British

uprisings in Assam

Unit: 04Role of various Organisations and Associations to the


freedom Movement and a brief reference to some post-independence events in Assam.

Unit: 05The cultural heritage of India and North East7
Unit:0 6Economic Geography7
Unit: 07Environment and Environmental



Unit: 08Geography of the World8
Unit: 09Geography of Assam14
Unit: 10Indian Democracy5
Unit: 11International Organization- World Peace and Human Right5
Unit: 12Money and Banking5
Unit: 13Economic Development5
Critical Analysis of Social Science Textbook of Class 10

Critical analysis of the syllabus:

Give your comments regarding the following points:-

  1. Are the units appropriate?
  • Yes, units are appropriate and effective.
  1. Are the psychological levels of the contents are appropriate?

> Yes,Psychologically contents are appropriate but authors can add more attractive pictures to meet the needs of students.

  1. Is there any provision for revision of the previous unit?

>   Yes. The contents is inter related with the each other.  So revision of previous units is required.

4.Correlation with other subjects-

>Yes, it’s directly correlated with other subjects like Environmental

Science, General Science. Social Science is the root level for knowing above this subject.

  1. Provision for linking with life-

> Yes, each unit are related with life.The book helps the students to lead a healthy social life. It can aware us on various environmental issues, various burning problem of Political issues, human rights and have some solution on it.It helps to knowing our culture, tradition, economy and makes enrich it for our next generation.It prepares students for future life.

  1. Is it a heavy syllabus?
    >Yes, It is a heavy syllabus,because syllabus covers Geography,History,Political Science and Economics. Subjects are vast in themselves, therefore it is not easy for a student of class X to cover the syllabus.
  2. Is the syllabus biased towards a particular area?
    > Yes, the syllabus is biased to some extent. Most of the units are from Geography and History part. There is no equal distribution of units.
  3. The difficulty level of the syllabus is –(Easy/Average/Difficult etc.)
    > Average.

Critical analysis of social science textbook:

Physical characteristics (Give your comments)

  1. Shape & size: A4 size
  2. Cover design: Cover design is not attractive at all. The front page is not clear and colorful.
  3. Quality of paper & print: The quality of paper is not good and it can torn up easily.
  4. Printing mistakes: Not found
  5. Price: The textbook is free of cost. Therefore it helps in the universalization of education.
  6. Illustrations and diagrams: units are properly illustrated. But there is not enough diagrams.
  7. Impression as a whole: Good, But It has some scope to make it more suitable

Analysis of the contents of the book and their organizations:

  1. Does the book contain the whole prescribed syllabus?
    > Yes, the book contains the whole prescribed syllabus.
  2. Is the organization of the contents as per the needs of the pupils?
    > It tries to meet the needs of students but has not fully achieved its goal.
  3. Do the contents fulfill the need and interests of the pupils?
    > The contents somehow fulfill the needs of the pupils. But due to the lack of some attractive pictures students may not show interest in the textbook.
  4. Are there any incorrect information, statements, principles, laws, theories, figures or illustrations?

> We have not seen such mistakes.

  1. Are the topics ably supported with pictures, diagrams, graphs etc.?
    > Yes, the topics ably supported with pictures, diagrams, graphs etc. But some illustrating pictures are not clear.
  2. Are the subheadings, subtopics distributed appropriately?

> Somehow the subheadings, subtopics are distributed properly. But some modification is needed.

  1. Are the summary, recapitulations at the end of each chapter being incorporated?
    > yes, at the end of each chapter summary, recapitulations is being incorporated.
  2. Mention whether each chapter has begun with a brief introduction.
    > Yes, it does.
  3. Whether any controversial material has been included in any unit?
    > No, there is no controversial material has been included in any unit.
  4. Are there sufficient examples to illustrate the contents which may link to life situation of the pupils?

> Though some example is used to illustrate the contents which may link to real-life situation of the pupil. As it is a social science textbook it should be linked with life. But examples in the textbook illustrating real-life situation is not enough.

  1. Which of the following maxims have you observed in the presentation of the topics?

> Simple to complex,Near to far, known to unknown, easy to difficult, particular to general, Concrete to abstract.( All the maxims of learning is followed).

  1. Is the information given in the textbook up to date?
    > though some new information is included in the textbook.But social science subject is not static. Information are not fixed, but the textbook is following the same information with the older edition.
  2. Have you found any tables in the textbook?
    > Yes, there are many tables in the textbook.
  3. Are teaching points for the teachers available in the book?
    > Yes, it is available.
  4. Give your opinion pertaining to the language used in the book:
  • Lucidity: Yes, there is clarity of expression.
  • Simplicity: the words are not simple as compared to the understanding level of the learners.
  • Preciseness: In some units, there is less preciseness in sentences.
  • The scientific way of writing: yes, the textbook follows the scientific way of writing.
  • Unambiguity: yes, there is unambiguity in language used in textbook..
  • Clarity of expression: Yes
  • Free from superfluous words: Not many but in some topics there is few superfluous words.
  • No derogatory remark against a particular community: Yes, there is no derogatory remark against a particular community.
  • Exactness: Yes, there is exactness in meaning.
  • Well planned: No (Partialy)
  • Face validity/Very good first impression: Frontpage is not attractive, therefore the first impression on the book is not good.
  • Proper arrangement of chapters:Yes,the chapters are properly arranged.
  • Simple short and correct sentences: Sentences are not much simple in some topics.
  • Footnotes are given whenever required: Yes
  • Is recent edition available with correction and enlargement?
    > Yes, the recent edition is available with correction and enlargement.

16.Do you think that this book can be safely used as a resource book?
> No, we can’t use it as a resource book, for clearing concept with vast knowledge another reference is mandatory.

Give your comments in the following areas regarding the evaluation system of the book:

  1. Appropriateness: To evaluate the students learning these books have not sufficient tools or evaluation parameters that all psychological levels of students can be judged. So these are weak in terms of appropriateness.

B)Relevance: The evaluation items of the books are relevant to test only knowledge, understanding and comprehension only.

C)Are these sufficient? : Yes.

D)Is there any provision for unit test? : Yes

E)Mention the no. of test items used for evaluation. (Such as Short, very short, six different objective types etc. in tabular form.)

Sl.noName of the lessonsLASAVSA                       OBJECTIVES
1A. India : Partition Bengal swadeshi Movement, its aftermath3(2)2   2   
2Rise of Gandhi era and his role in freedom movement4(2)  2 1   
3B. Assam


Early Anti-British

uprisings in Assam

4(2)2   1   
4Role of various organisations and Associations to the


Freedom Movement anda brief reference to some post-independence events in Assam.

43   1   
4Role of various organisations and Associations to the


Freedom Movement anda brief reference to some post-independence events in Assam.

43   1   
5Cultural heritage of India and North East5    2   
6Economic Geography32 2     
7Environment and Environmental4(2)    1   
8Geography of the World5(2)  2 1   
9Geography of Assam5(3)8   1   
10Indian Democracy4(2)    1   
11International Organization- World Peace and Human Right 4   1   
12Money and Banking32       
13Economic Development3(2)2       
  • Is there any appendix in the book?
  • No
  • Is a bibliography available in the book for further study?
  • No
  • Does any index exist in the book?
  • No
  • Is there any profile of the author(s) of the book?
  • No

Give your overall impression of the book in a nutshell:

 Overall the book is quite good for the students of class X. Though, to some extent the book is appropriate and effective but it has some faults also. Psychologically somehow it fails to attract pupils’ interest. Following are some points I found after analyzing the Social Science textbook(s) of class X.

  1. The content covers all the chapters according to the curriculum.
  2. There are sufficient pitches, pictures, and diagrams to support the student to understand clearly the topics, but some pictures are unclear.
  3. Some lessons are informative and related to real-life situations.
  4. The best part of the book is the simplicity and lucidity of the language used.
  5. Index, bibliography, appendix, about the author, appropriate/ sufficient footnotes are not available in these text books.
  6. There is enough scope for reading and writing skill development.
  7. These books lack the quality that it can encourage the motor skill development of the students.
  8. For comprehension, these books are very good sources to guide students.
  9. It encourages students to Social value.

So that sums up a critical analysis of social science textbooks. Hope you like it.