Are you looking for a sample case study of a child with behavioral problems? In this article you will get a sample case study of a child with behavioral problems.

Case study help in the development of problem solving abilities as well as help in the development of observation skill. These skills of observation and problem solving are one of the major skills a competent 21st century teacher should imbibe in him/her.

Sample Case Study of a Child with Behavioral Problems-


The term development refers to change in structure, form or shape and improvement in functioning. When qualitative changes occur in behavioral characteristics of the child is called development. According to Peary, development means the whole sequence of life from conception to death.



The various stages of development of a child are- Pre-natal( conception to birth), infancy( from birth to 5 years), childhood( 6- 11/12 years) , adolescence( 12 years to 18/19 years) and adulthood( from 20 onwards).

Adolescence is the most important period in human development about which poets, writers, historians have made references. It is a period of transition and a turning point in the life of the individual. With the coming of adolescence, physiological changes accelerate, sexual, maturity arrives, social relationship become more intense and new cognative capacities emerge.

Although psychological maturity does not occur quite so rapidly the teenage years are a time of dramatically speeded up development. When we speak of adolescent as growing up, we mean that the youth has leaving behind the phase of protective childhood and is becoming independent, capable of going out to fend for himself.


Physical development: Adolescence is period of rapid physical growth and dramatic bodily changes. There is a sudden change in height and weight due to hyper activity of endocrine glands. There is growth in bones and muscles and as a consequence adolescent become conscious  and comes to acquire great energy and power.

Mental development: there is a mark growth in mental power. Adolescent becomes capable of accomplishing more easily, more quickly and more efficiently intellectual tasks and he or she is able to define problem and give reason about them. Problem solving behaviour also appears at this stage.

Moral development: By this time the child reaches adolescence, his moral conduct is fairly well informed and he is capable of understanding what is right and what is wrong. The desire to reform the world and to do some good work during life time is very strong. Most young people want to find a satisfactory philosophy of life and his values are influenced by peer group than parental values system.

Emotional development: Emotional life of adolescence concerns loyalties to the group, aggression and affection. Strange feelings capture the minds of adolescents. Sex-consciousness raises the feelings of curiosity, secretiveness and guilt. He has a strong group feelings and loves adventure, travel and wandering.

Emotions become realistic and some time he is over-joyed by his success but at the same time he is extremely depressed and sad by imagining the problems of findings a job. Emotions of anger, fear, shame and disgust make them quite explosive of the situation.

Social development: Adolescence are socially very conscious and active. They have the sense of social involvement and social belongingness. They try to understand social customs and traditions, rules and laws, faith and belief and show loyalty and allegiance to them. A sense of patriotism also develops in their mind out of the social senses. They are inspired to join military services for the country’s defense.


Among the different developmental stages, the investigator has selected the adolescent stage.


  • To study the physical characteristics of adolescence period.
  • To study the moral development of an adolescent.
  • To study the emotional development of an adolescent.
  • To study social development of an adolescent.
  • To study the mental development of adolescent.


Methodology: For this study, the investigator had used questionnaire, interview schedule and observation primary data collection. Questionnaire both open ended and close ended questions were asked. The subject was also interview and was also observed thoroughly in natural settings. Besides some kind of text books were also reviewed.

Questionnaire– Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Usually a questionnaire consists of a number of questions that the respondent has to answer in a set format. A distinction is made between open ended and close ended questions. A open-ended question asks the respondent to formulate his own answer , whereas a closed-ended question has the respondent pick an answer from a given number of options.

Interview schedule– an interview schedule is basically a list containing a set of structured questions that have been prepared, to serve as a guide for interviewers or investigators in collecting information or data about a specific topic or issue.

Observation- observation is a systematic data collection approach. Researcher use all of their senses to examine people in natural settings or naturally occurring situations.

Report of the Sample Case Study of a Child with Behavioral Problems:-

Define the case:

I made a study to find out the behavioral characteristics of adolescents regarding the special dimensions of adolescence period and select a girl of age 14 from class VIII of XYZ M.V. School as a case for study. The investigator defined the case as “Different developmental dimensions of an Adolescence girl”. Keeping in view all aspect, the investigator has decided to use Interview schedule and Observation.

I was dealing with the student name ABC and took the physical, social and emotional dimension. The subject have low level of confidence and adjustment issue who interact and talk very less.

It was little difficult for me to build a rapport with her as most of the time she remain absent and if she is present I hardly get quality time to interact with her as she remain busy with her classes. But, slowly and steadily I was able build a good rapport with her and she was able to speak her heart out in front of me.

Information about the subject:

Name- ABC

Age- 17 years old.

Father name- ABC

Mother name- ABC

Village- ABC


Dist- ABC

Sex- female

Religion- Hinduism

Photo of the Child with Behavioral Problems-

Sample Case Study of a Child with Behavioral Problems

Historical background:

The subject of this study is a thirteen years old girl. She is a  student of class VIII of XYZ school which is situated ABC district. She lives with her family. She is the elder of the two siblings. Her father works in a tea- factory and her mother is a housewife.

Developmental report of the subject:

Physical development

The subject is a normal growing girl, already experiencing some changes in her body. She already lost her baby teeth.

Moral development

when interacts with the subject, the investigator found that didn’t like to follow the discipline and didn’t know how to respect elders. She didn’t attends her classes regularly and didn’t maintained her college uniform etc. the subject is not morally well developed.

Cognative/mental development

The subject’s cognative power didn’t developed with her age. She couldn’t dressed herself properly, also she is unable to solve her problems. She can’t differentiate between right and wrong. When interacting with her parents the investigator found that the subject didn’t scored good result.

She is very conscious about herself. When asked about her aim in life, she told that she want to be a teacher because she wanted to spread her knowledge throughout the society. She is very conscious about time. She do her homework in time. From this the investigator found that the subject’s cognative ability developed gradually with the age.

Emotional development

She love to imagined her future life in different way. She mentioned that sometimes she felt lonely and hurt but could not express her feelings to others. She can’t control her anger.

She told that when someone scolded her and when she get angry , she didn’t want to reply back but she can’t control herself in doing so. The subject also mentioned that she felt shy to interact with others. Sometimes she fears about her future. The subject was emotionally weak.

Social development

It is the stage wherein the child become more confident and competent. After interacting with the subject, the investigator found that She didn’t like to stay with her family and friends. She didn’t talk to everyone. She also mentioned that she had never taken part in social activities and festivals. She also told that she had spent most time alone.

Findings of the Sample Case Study of a Child with Behavioral Problems-

The adjustment issue was so severe that she do not even feel come coming to school. There are various reasons for her problem like-

  • Do not get nutritional food at home because the family is poor .
  • Unable to form an identity in the classroom
  • She is very shy and anxious. She loves to stay alone and don’t like to share her things with others.
  • No friends to talk with.
  • Feeling inferior in the classroom.

For the above mentioned reason ABC faced many problem in the class, the chief problem of ABC as reported by her and her teachers are as follows-

As Reported by teachers

She doesn’t like to talk with her friends in the school. She remains silent and usually remains anxious. By interacting with her the investigator feels that she face difficulty in talking with strangers. She doesn’t take interest in classroom activities.

Emotionally she is seem to very unpredictable in comparison to her classmates. Many times it was observed that she smiles without any reason loudly when the teacher asked her questions. She doesn’t able to balance on her emotion. She is not sensitive to others emotion.

As Reported by her

  • Faces problem to mingle with the class mates
  • Feels hesitated to speak in front of the class
  • Do not like to play with the classmates
  • Feels inferior among the classmates
  • Faces difficulties to cooperate with the classmates
  • Do not like to come to the school

Conclusion of the Sample Case Study of a Child with Behavioral Problems

To conclude it can be  said that the subject is not on the right track of development. As observed by the investigator her cognative ability is not also well developed.  Her span of attention didn’t developed according with her age. Regarding emotional development, it was found that she is emotionally weak. Socially she is not well developed as she feel shy to interact with others.

These problem of the child can be solve to some extent with the help of different Measures like by positive reinforcement provided by the teacher, providing social skill training, engaging her in group activities, acceptance by the peer etc. Proper guidance and motivation should be provided in this period for adolescent development.

The teacher should organize various types of physical exercises, sports and games by imparting a proper knowledge about physical and health education.

Questionnaire of the Sample Case Study of a Child with Behavioral Problems-

Physical/ Motor:

  1. Are you involved with any organized sports activities? – No
  2. Football, Basketball, and Track. Community Centre? – No
  3. Religious/Church group? – No
  4. Are you concerned about your weight? No
  5. Do you exercise? No
  6. Do you make healthy choices when eating? Sometimes.
  7. How often do you eat fast food? – Once every two days.
  8. When did you experience a growth spurt? – Probably around 13.
  9. When did you begin to notice a change in your voice? – About 13.


  1. Are you going to school? – Yes.
  2. What grade? – 8th
  3. How do you feel about school? – It’s boring.
  4. What do you like best about school? – Nothing important
  5. How often do you skip school? –
  6. Do you plan on attending college? – Yes
  7. What career could you see yourself doing in ten years? – not sure

Social/ Emotional:

  1. Tell me a little about your home life? – I come home, watch, TV and sleep. My parents love me and I have a roof over my head.
  2. Who do you live with? – Mom and Dad and two brother
  3. Are you home alone often? – Yes
  4. Are there other adults that are important to you? – Yes. Brothers and Sisters.
  5. Tell me about your relationship with your parents? – It’s good.

Brothers? – Good, I can talk to them frequently

  1. Do you feel safe in your home? – Yes.
  2. Neighbourhood/Community? – (confused).
  3. What role do your friends play in your life? – I don’t have any best friend .I like to be alone.
  4. Do you and your parents argue? Sometimes.
  5. What do you typically argue about? – Why I can stay alone or if I can’t go places with my friends.
  6. How do you spend your spare time? –Drawing
  7. What do you do for fun? – Nothing
  8. Do you feel that peer pressure is an issue in your life? No, not really. If I don’t want to do something then I just don’t.
  9. Do you depend more on your parents’ advice or your friends’ advice when it comes to questions of: dress? Friends Schoolwork?Friends Out of School Activities?Friends Moral Questions?Parents Values? – No
  10. How is life in general? –
  11. Do you ever feel sad, tearful, bored, disconnected? – Bored.

So that sums up the sample case study of a child with behavioral problems. Apart from this sample case study of a child with behavioral problems we have tow other articles on case study report. You can check it out.