Looking for an achievement test report for B.Ed? In this article, I have provided an achievement test report for B.Ed. Have a look.


An achievement test is a test aimed to get the data about the students’ knowledge or capability in one subject. An achievement test is also a test that can identify the students’ strengths and weaknesses in one subject.


It is used to measures a pupil’s achievement and progression in a specific subject or topic over a set period of time. It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of teaching instructions. It also provides feedback to the students as well as to the teachers. The achievement test has the focus on the realization of objectives of teaching and learning

An achievement test is an important tool in school evaluation and has great significance in measuring instructional progress and progress of the students in the subject area.

Objectives of Achievement Test:

The objectives of the achievement test are as follows-

  • to identify the students of different categories such as slow learners, gifted and average students, etc. as result of which the teachers would be able to provide remedial instruction and enrichment programme for the students
  • to give promotion to the students to the next higher classes or new courses considering the obtained result as a yardstick for promotion of the structures.
  • to help students to choose suitable subjects or courses according to their achievement levels.
  • to measure the amount of general knowledge that a student has accrued in a particular subject area.

Importance of an Achievement Test:

There is a vigorous debate in academic circles about the value and the importance of an achievement test. Schools utilize achievement tests to measure the progress and academic aptitude of their students, while city and state education departments use the results to inform their understanding of how well students are being taught, and whether their performances are up to state and city standards for students at their grade level.

The need and importance of achievement tests are as follows:-

  • Achievement tests are very useful in evaluating and improving the curriculum meant for the students of different grades.
  • Achievement tests are helpful for the purpose of identifying and classifying the students in the various groups on the basis of their achievement merits.
  • Achievement tests are helpful in providing scholarships, awards or special award of merit to the students those who perform better in the achievement tests.
  • Achievement tests enable the parents to know strengths and weaknesses in the context of their academic achievements as a result of which the parents can be able to provide special help and guidance to their children.
  • Achievement tests are helpful for the teachers to enable them to know the strengths and weaknesses of students in different subjects and skills as a result of which the teacher can be able to prepare their students for different competitions so far competitions of different subjects or courses are concerned.

Steps for construction of achievement test:-

Following are the steps for constructing an achievement test.

Step1. Planning the Test:

Planning of the test is the first important step in the test construction. The main goal of the evaluation process is to collect valid, reliable, and useful data about the student.

The first step includes three major considerations.

  • Formulation of the statement of objective
  • Formulation of the purpose of the test
  • Construction of the test
  • Emphasis on course content

Step2. Preparing the Test:

After planning preparation is the next important step in the test construction. In this step, the test items are constructed in accordance with the table of specifications. Each type of test item needs special care for construction.

The preparation stage includes the fol­lowing three functions:

(i) Preparing test items.

(ii) Preparing instruction for the test.

(iii) Preparing the scoring key.


Achievement Test Report for B.Ed Students in English

Step3. Try Out of the Test:

Once the test is prepared now it is time to be confirming the validity, reliability, and usability of the test. Try out helps us to identify defective and ambiguous items, to determine the difficulty level of the test, and to determine the discriminating power of the items.

Try out involves two important functions:

(a) Administration of the test.

(b) Scoring the test.

Step 4. Evaluating the Test:

Evaluating the test is the most important step in the test con­struction process. Evaluation is necessary to determine the quality of the test and the quality of the responses. The quality of the test implies that how good and dependable the test is? (Validity and reliability). Quality of the responses means which items are a misfit in the test. It also enables us to evaluate the usability of the test in the general classroom situation.

Evaluating the test involves the following functions:

(a) Item analysis.

(b) Determining the validity of the test.

(c) Determining the reliability of the test.

(d) Determining usability of the test.

Preparation of the 1st achievement test:- 

We are going to conduct an achievement test for the students of class vii of XYZ Govt. Higher Secondary school for the subject of English. For the purpose of conducting the achievement test, a questionnaire has been prepared which consists of 20 marks and the total time allotted is 40 minutes.

The objective of this achievement test is to test the knowledge, understanding, and application ability of the students. Types of questions that will be given are very short type and short type questions.

This test is constructed on the basis of the objectives of teaching: knowledge, understanding and application. Before constructing the achievement test, we first review the various tests already available for testing.

After reviewing them, the need was felt to develop an achievement test based on the latest syllabi recommended by SEBA for English for class vii.

After various discussions with the students, a preliminary draft of the test is prepared just to test the knowledge of the students. Questions are framed as very short answer and short answer type questions etc.


Achievement Test Report for B.Ed Students in English
  1. Weightage to Content
Sl. NoTopicMarksPercentage
1Uruka Adventure20100%
  1. Weightage to Objective
Sl. NoObjectiveMarksPercentage




















  1. Weightage to Forms of Questions
Sl NoForms of QuestionsMarksPercentage




Essay Type


Short Answer Type

Very Short Answer Type









  1. Weightage to Difficulty Level
Sl. NoDifficulty LevelMarksPercentage
















Question Paper for Achievement Test

                                                1st Achievement Test

                                                  Subject – English

                                             Class – vii          Section – A

Total Marks – 20                                                    Time – 40 minutes


  1. What do you mean by “Uruka” ?  1
  2. What do you mean by “Adventure” ? 1
  3. Who was the leader of the boys in their adventure on uruka night? 1
  4. What are the names of Mahen’s friends? 1
  5. Who is Shantiram and what is his hobby? 1+1
  6. What did the boys do after the feast ? 2
  7. Change the following sentence into future tense.    3×1
  • I called my friends to my house.
  • He read the book.
  • We went to pick vegetables from Shantiram’s house.

8. Match the words with their meaning. 4×1

  • Nightjar—– An accepted way of behaving or doing things in society.
  • Feast —- To suggest a plan of idea etc.
  • Proposed —-  A large or special meal for a lot of people
  • Custom—– A small species of owl

9. Write a short note on Bihu. 4

10. Draw a picture a ‘Dhol’ (Drum) 1

Analysis of the first achievement test:-

The analysis is the most important part of an achievement test. We can get the data about the students’ knowledge or capability in one subject by analyzing the test.

Based on the result of the 1st achievement test, I have made the following table

Total number of studentsScore( % Wise)Category
381-100Very Good
50-20Very Poor

Based on the table above, it can be seen that there are only 6% of the students are in the very good category, 11% of the students are in a good category, 23% of the students are in fair category and 46% of students in the poor and very poor category.

Achievement Test Report for B.Ed

After conducting the 1st test, we show the following outcomes-

  • Among the students, 10% students get more than 60% marks i.e above 12 and 50% students get below 30%marks i.e below 6.
  • Almost (50-60) % of students were able to recall the answers to very short answer-type questions. But the rest were not satisfactory.
  • 10% of students find it difficult to recall the answer of the question based on knowledge.
  • 90% of students find that the short questions are easier than the questions based on understanding.
  • 5% of students were not able to complete the paper within the time period provided.
  • 95% students don’t have the skill to draw diagram and drawing
  • 30% find it difficult it write the questions based on understanding. They also lack the writing skill of applicational answers
  • More than 65% of students are found to have spelling errors in their writing answer script
  • Almost 75% of students couldn’t make meaningful sentences due to the grammatical mistake in their writing

Possible reasons for the lower performance of the students

  • The first reason may be that students sometimes tend to forget words or groups of words, as some primarily focus their study on the long answer questions. And so they do not give much importance to short answers.
  • Another reason is that some students forget the topic or chapters that were taught in previous classes. And as a result, they cannot recall the previous topics as they think that there is no link between the previous chapters and the current chapter.
  • Another reason may be that the students did not pay much attention in the class when the chapter or topic was being taught.

Remedial Measures to improve student’s performance

The low achievers are identified by their performance at the achievement test, and the following measures were adopted to improve upon the performance of the academically low achievers:

Extra Classes

Extra classes are conducted if there is difficulty in understanding the content. To facilitate understanding among the vernacular medium students extra classes are conducted.

Counseling Sessions

Counseling Sessions are organized for student teachers facing personal problems, with the help of a professional counselor appointed by the college.


Advanced learners in the class are identified and assigned as mentors for the low academic achievers.

Study Circle

During the study circle, the advanced learners study and help the low academic achievers by guiding and sharing notes and solving queries.

Adoption Scheme

The academically low achievers are identified from each tutorial group and adopted by the teacher educator. Timely guidance is given to keep them at par with the other student teachers.

Conducting the second achievement test:-

After analyzing the first achievement test and providing necessary remedial measures the second achievement test can be conducted to check students’ achievement level. Questions are framed as very short answer and short answer type questions, the same pattern as that of 1st achievement test.

Comparison of first and second achievement test

After the second achievement test, we may find that there is a gradual increase in the level of achievement of the students. The reason may be, if the above remedies are applied successfully then some satisfactory results may be seen.

Although all the students may not have improved significantly but some slight improvement can be definitely seen. As a result, no. of students securing 60% marks may be drastically increased. Likewise, students securing below 50% marks may also increase their level and able to score above 60% marks.

The 1st achievement test is taken at the very beginning of the class to test the knowledge of the students. So it is possible that the students may not be able to recall the test’s questions correctly.

But after the 1st test, the teacher may very patiently teach the students and the above-mentioned remedies may be applied. And that is why although not all, but few students have shown academic improvement.

Suggestion to Increase Student’s total performance:

  1. Monitor academic progress

The first thing that all schools should have is a sort of monitoring system whereby the school provides short-term (e.g. monthly or half a termly) learning objectives that most of the class will achieve and teachers can assess the classroom learning accordingly.

  1. Checking attendance reports

Managing and tracking individual attendance plays an important part in students’ academic results. Maintaining a regular attendance record in schools is necessary for students’ success. If a student misses a class, then it will be hard for him/her to catch up next day and will be far behind compared to other students in the following classes.

  1. Understanding student behavior and improving classroom interaction

Teachers have to create a feeling that students can ask any doubt during the session and start asking out questions in between teaching. This will let them involved with the lessons and they will be more interested in the topic. Participation of students in debate and quiz engages student involvement to a greater extend.

  1. Giving homework and assignments

Homework helps build a child’s sense of responsibility. A little amount of homework help students build study habits.

  1. Summarizing and revising the lessons

While asking questions to the students, the teacher should encourage them to elaborate the answers, comment on a statement and ask them to summarize topics that got covered in the session. This will help in increasing student thinking, memory capacity and will gradually improve their results.

So, that sums up the achievement test report for B.Ed.Hope you like it.